Hey. I just finished reading “The Flaming Hero and The Scientist”, and that is one of the best stories I have read.
I also noticed that you said fire was your favourite element. If that’s the case, go on YouTube and check out “Incineration Deku”by Shadowinkling. Deku has a fire quirk that is probably more insane than your story’s: I mean, he can literally eat flames for energy. And he only has one drawback: he requires hydration, for if he uses major attacks for too long, he will become insanely dehydrated, and that will stop him from being able to use more attacks. Also, no amount of heat can bother him. I mean, the person he is shipped with in this texting story, has hair made from actual LAVA. No heat bothers him, and his strongest flame, is pure white, like: holier-than-God-himself white.