
Extremely important announcement, please read:
          	The owner of this account, Zahra, has tragically passed away, January 19th, 2019. The person writing this message is her friend who decided that telling you all would be what Zahra wanted. This announcement was made to inform you that this account will not be active again. If you want to talk about it or learn more, please privately message @daladae. Thanks for understanding and I hope you all have a wonderful week.


@my_gay_moms_brittana rest in peace Zahra, you are so loved and missed everyday.


@my_gay_moms_brittana Rest In Peace dear, I wish I could have gotten to know you❤️


Hey angel. I’m late. Very actually. 2 years almost 3. And I’m awfully sorry I hadn’t found out about you and your talent earlier. Your story, ‘Love From An Angel’ made me realise and accept myself for who I am. I have been in the closet for months. That story once again made me accept myself and love me for who I am. I don’t think I’ll be coming out any sooner but thank you for your beautiful story. Love you angel. Rest in piece. Say hi to Naya and Cory for me! ❤️