I just wanted to say I love your pfp <33 I see your comments sometimes when I'm reading a story, and by now, whenever I see that precious pissed face I instantly know it's you.
@Aaliyah586 HEY OMG i cant believe people actually like those eye---- anyways ill update tonight or in a few hours (im mid fic so like-) anyways THANK YOU!!! ilysm
hello, i’m an eleventh grader who is ab to fail their first algebra 2 test because i have no clue how to simplify polynomials or how to find zero. The reason for this? well i skipped seventh, eighth, and ninth grade which means i know nothing ab pre algebra or algebra 1! But don’t worry i know the quaDRATIC FORMULA WTF AM I GOING TO DO IM LITERALLY SOBBING IN THE BATHROOM RN
Falling in love feels like, you deeply care someone and adore them so, unlike lust, you cherish that person and can become overly attached easily, but it’s all good and well,