
guyzz do you have instagram?
          	i'm thinking of making it myself, so comment suggestions for usernames and your usernames as well :33 i want all of you lovelies in my face tbh


@my_illusions in the off chance you see this, lmk what your Instagram is :')


@my_illusions have you ever though about playing with your name to make it like a pun for a username?


guyzz do you have instagram?
          i'm thinking of making it myself, so comment suggestions for usernames and your usernames as well :33 i want all of you lovelies in my face tbh


@my_illusions in the off chance you see this, lmk what your Instagram is :')


@my_illusions have you ever though about playing with your name to make it like a pun for a username?


Dear Ari,
          :D I miss you, I love you, you're honestly my favorite hands down best thread designer and most generous person ever so thank you for always being so kind to me in return for nothing special from me. You're such a great friend so thank you for making my 2015 so special. <3 Fangirling with you was and is amazing. Thanks for all the songs you recommended me and all the threads you donated to me and just I'm glad we could celebrate your birthday together this year. Love you so much, Queen! -Sly, your minion


@Call_Me_Sly omg you're soo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :33 sadly we don't speak as often as we used to, but that doesnt mean i love u any less <33333333333 you're the besttt !! happy new year, love <33 :33


i forgot who made me a wallpaper for my birthday that says HAPPY B'DAY QUEEN OF HELL and the background is lie space and idk, but who did it bc IM STILL USING IT and feel so horrible bc its been two months and i forgot who you are *cries*


noooonnnn i am still ur illusions ;'c
          i would never break this bond we have never ever


@legendarykorra *sobs* i shell let you go for those you love, you set them free.


@legendarykorra noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bb pls i needed a fresh start but i still clutch onto that identity for ever, i will never allow myself to let it go, never allow myself to let go of u :'c


@legendarykorra what do you mean never, u just did! you betrayed me and my thrust, your loyalty to the secret tribe of ancient water illuminatiers (which is us) is gone just like that. who have you become now? i don't even know you anymore. it's like you're lying to me just by having a new name, it's like you - us is a lie. *cries*