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Did u literally say “I read bxb because they turn me on”

@Ambrose_C you are so wrong. if you want to hate on us, go do it somewhere else or at least privately. then, who made you the god of mlm books to say what they are for. if i want to read them for my sexual fantasies, then I'll do it, it's none of your business. just because I'm a straight girl, I'm not allowed to read mlm, but you are? that's so sexist. also, it's so unjustified to judge people based on their book preferences, it's your right to hate on us but not to verbalize it.

@ninavibes i don’t have to explain why I hate you people. It’s obvious. Mlm books are for people to enjoy but they aren’t s3xual fantasies for straight girls. And secondly, unlike you, I’m not a straight girl! Woah!

@Ambrose_C good for you, but first, why, and second weren't you just reading a mlm book?