
Okay, so I haven’t gone back on Wattpad in quite a while. I posted an announcement of my whereabouts now in terms of writing, and it seems it didn’t reach many of you. I’m sorry for not coming back and checking on you all. So many people continue to show my stories support, and I’m not sure what to say except thank you. Thank you all so much. I appreciate every read, every save, everything. But, I don’t plan on continuing my current stories, at least not at the moment. I’m currently writing fan fiction on a site called AO3(Archive of Our Own). The link to my account is in my bio, and I’d really appreciate if you checked it out. Once again, I write only gxg lmao bc I’m a gay mess. Also, I’m trying to be consistent on there, but I have a lot on my plate rn, so I apologize if I don’t post consistently. Ive been writing a lot of stuff on there, and I’m thoroughly enjoying what I’m doing on AO3, so I really hope some of you check out my account if you’re interested. No matter if you do or not, I just want to say thank you all for your support. You’ve all boosted my confidence in my writing, and I’d be lying if I said that didn’t make me more motivated to continue with this hobby of mine. I love and appreciate you all so much, and I hope you all have a great day and holiday :) 
          	(also, who knows? Maybe I’ll write a comeback chapter or oneshot one day ;)) 


@WorldsDepression thank you, I really appreciate that. Happy New Years to you as well! I wish you a good year :)


@my_yuri_intellectual Ha this is late but I wish you a happy new year. And don't worry, I believe mostly everyone has been quite busy or lost interest into what they use to like go, I hope your doing well btw!


@my_yuri_intellectual Oh you post on ao3? Hell yes.


Hey! I hope you’re doing well  I’ve just finished Thawed in 3 days and omg it was the best fanfiction I have ever read! Please come back to finish it because I don’t want to just die and leave Elsa like that!!  but your health comes first, so I’m not pushing you to do anything that you don’t want to :) I miss your stories 


I regret not finding your works/stories sooner because you're so talented! Wish you'd write and continue your stories here again, stay safe, hope you don't lose interest in writing and is doing well :)


OML IM SO SORRY I DIDNT SEE THIS SOONER ;-; but thank you so much; you’re too kind >.< that really means a lot to me, thank you <3 and I hope you’re staying safe as well! 


Okay, so I haven’t gone back on Wattpad in quite a while. I posted an announcement of my whereabouts now in terms of writing, and it seems it didn’t reach many of you. I’m sorry for not coming back and checking on you all. So many people continue to show my stories support, and I’m not sure what to say except thank you. Thank you all so much. I appreciate every read, every save, everything. But, I don’t plan on continuing my current stories, at least not at the moment. I’m currently writing fan fiction on a site called AO3(Archive of Our Own). The link to my account is in my bio, and I’d really appreciate if you checked it out. Once again, I write only gxg lmao bc I’m a gay mess. Also, I’m trying to be consistent on there, but I have a lot on my plate rn, so I apologize if I don’t post consistently. Ive been writing a lot of stuff on there, and I’m thoroughly enjoying what I’m doing on AO3, so I really hope some of you check out my account if you’re interested. No matter if you do or not, I just want to say thank you all for your support. You’ve all boosted my confidence in my writing, and I’d be lying if I said that didn’t make me more motivated to continue with this hobby of mine. I love and appreciate you all so much, and I hope you all have a great day and holiday :) 
          (also, who knows? Maybe I’ll write a comeback chapter or oneshot one day ;)) 


@WorldsDepression thank you, I really appreciate that. Happy New Years to you as well! I wish you a good year :)


@my_yuri_intellectual Ha this is late but I wish you a happy new year. And don't worry, I believe mostly everyone has been quite busy or lost interest into what they use to like go, I hope your doing well btw!


@my_yuri_intellectual Oh you post on ao3? Hell yes.


Hello everyone! It's been awhile, so I wanted to quickly check on you all. As many of you might notice, I haven't been very active on this Wattpad account. I've been writing Elsa x Fem!Reader fanfiction for a while, and it's been starting to take a toll on my motivation. This does not mean I will drop those stories(I plan on continuing them); it just means I want to write about topics that I am passionate about. I would appreciate it if you all would check out my Yuri Couple oneshots book since I've been really working hard on it. But, it seems not many have an interest in that book, so I've decided to start up an account on Archive of Our Own(AO3). It's been quite the process, but I currently have one fanfiction up on there that I am super hyped about writing. I will attach a link to the fanfiction and my account, so if you're interested, I would greatly appreciate it if you went and checked it out. Thank you all, and I hope you all stay happy and safe. 
          Author <3


Good evening everyone! How are you all doing as of late?
          Today I have an announcement to make about my posting schedule. Lately, I haven’t had much motivation to write, especially Elsa x Fem!Reader stories. I’ll be back in the swing of things soon hopefully, but for now, please don’t have much expectations for “Out of My League” updates. 
          I will try to write more chapters of my Yuri Oneshots book, but I have no stable schedule at the moment. Along with my lack of motivation, school is starting very soon for me, so I want to focus on my studies as well. 
          Anyways, thank you all for reading and supporting, and I’m sorry if I’ve disappointed some of you. I love you all, and please stay safe wherever you may be. 
          Happy reading, 


@my_yuri_intellectual Aw take your time though! I understand, everything is so out of wack right now.