
its my birthday today guys out there


Hey @panpangirl !!!
          I'm sorry that I didn't get to greet you in your Birthday because if we had only been friends,last year,I would've.
          Nonetheless,I will greet you now.
          Happy Super Duper Belated Birthday!!!
          I also want to thank you for adding my NaLu story,
          'My Arranged Marriage' to your Reading List.
          I hope you enjoyed readig it!!! *w*


You're welcome @panpangirl !!!!
            Awww!Yeeepeee~Thanks a bunch for your compliment!
            I hope you'll read my other stories too.
            Even though,I had a LOT of mistakes,you still loved it and I'm totally thankful!


Thank you @Anime130 and I loved your NaLu story it was great 