
Subscribe to my other socials 
          	Shifting tiktok: fivesreality
          	Joint shifting tiktok: lemonshifters
          	Main tiktok: shammyamayy
          	Youtube: cloudy reality (or clouded?).
          	Instagram: clouded (or cloudY) reality


⚠️TW binge ED⚠️
          I'm pretty sure I have a binge eating disorder lol. So I know I have to go see my GP but how am I going to book it
          "hiya why are you calling today?"
          "I think I have a binge eating disorder ️️"
          "em OK??" 


I wish I could shift…. Even if it was just for a dayyyyy. 
          I just wanna meet five so I can piss him off but then make him fall in love with me lmfao I just wanna shift why the universe gotta make it so hard also it’s midnight so if you’re from the uk go to sleep 


I shifted to TUA and it was amazing!!


Hey! I noticed that you like to read about Harry Potter! Me too! I am actually writing a FanFiction about Draco. It is a Draco x reader story. But anyway, enough about that! I have some shifting advice. If you write affirmations, meditate and listen to theta waves when wanting to shift!! Plus, I just realised that when I was reading your books, I didn't vote them so excuse me if you get lots of notifications from me voting your stories!!


Thank you sorry I for late reply lmao 


Hiya. Thanks for the follow! I really enjoy your books and I wish you all the best with future stories. If you want to read Ghost of You! it is on another account. The following link will take you straight to my other account! 
          Nikola. xx


Aww thank you- I’m going to check out your book. I wish you the best too. Good luck - mya xx