
Hello Readers and followers!!!!
          	I know I haven't been on for so long but I have had a lot of stuff going on and I finally found time to start updating and checking everything. I hope you guys still love my stories and will read them!!!!
          	I will be updating everything tonight!!!
          	Love Myah


Hello Readers and followers!!!!
          I know I haven't been on for so long but I have had a lot of stuff going on and I finally found time to start updating and checking everything. I hope you guys still love my stories and will read them!!!!
          I will be updating everything tonight!!!
          Love Myah


Dear readers/followers 
          I am writing this post to apologize. Due to the circumstances of my knee you guys know I won't be updating for a little while. But.......a horrible unspeakable thing has happened in my family. It's something that Is going to take months to  years to heal. And I really really wanna apologize. I am going to be very honest with y'all. All my life  I suffered my severe  depression and anxiety and PTSD. I still suffer from all this but never took meds because I am extremely allergic to many medicines. So when this horrible thing happened I could feel my depression and anxiety coming back. I also have a extremely high tolerance to be queen bee of my large Italian family so when I found out this terrible news I did some things I shouldn't have done and no I didn't kill anyone(lol). So with this horrible thing coming in and wrecking my family I will be off and on Wattpad for a while. I am so sorry. I really hope you all understand. And I also keep y'all updated on my leg. 
          From Myah 
          P.s I love you guys 


          Thank you guys for saying good luck on my surgery. I am praying that I don't have to undergo it but there is a chance and it's pretty high. It is scary to think about but my family and I will do anything to correct my injury. There is a thing in everyone's knees called a meniscus and it a tendon under your knee cap that looks like a little cup an it holds your ACL and PCL and that little cup may be torn which the only way to correct is to have surgery(if necessary) or months or crutches,braces,and physical therapy. I am hoping to just get the PT and not surgery but who knows. I probably will not be updated for awhile because of this so I am so so sorry. I promise to keep everyone update!


@MurfMyah1234 Hopefully u dont. I had three operations on my toe when i broke and dislocated it, it's not nice but atleast it would put it right


@MurfMyah1234 Oh it's alright. I wish that too


Tagged By @bringmethehorizon9
          Rules: Must post five facts about your self and tag 15 people,Must be done within a week or there will be consequences,can't be be in comments or replies,most post rules
          1) I have a secret obsession with Nickleback!
          2) I might have to undergo surgery soon for a leg injury(that's why I haven't updated my stories 
          3) I wish I still road a skateboard 
          4) I refuse to go swimming underwater 
          5) I wanna be a cop when I grow up 
          I tag....
          Sorry I could tag all my followers!!! I just picked randomly to be fair!! If it was my choice I would tag all you lovely people but you guys know!
          Love Myah


@MurfMyah1234 Hope everything goes good with your surgery :):)


Hope your surgery goes well- i already did the tag long time ago so idk


I hope your surgery goes well


I am so mad at myself!!!
          I promised to update all stories today but the wedding last night lasted a lot longer than I thought. Between dancing,drinking(soda...lots of soda),pouring rain,money dance,food an dancing. I did not get home till like really late. Sorry. My last day of school is Tomorrow so I will update a lot This week 
          Sorry for the inconvenience 