
i have updated my book...finally.
          	link to my poetry book 'paper blues' :


          i am here to just mention for anyone who might see and not ignore...
          i have updated my poetry book "Paper Blues."
          make sure to check it out, and if you like them,
          drop in a comment or vote. (That would mean a lot to me)
          Also, don't forget to add it to your reading list for further updates!
          till the next update comes,
          stay hydrated, stay healthy ♡
          - violet 


            bro hey !! glad to hear from you again
            appreciate the announcement


this message may be offensive
how's everyone been?
          life update: it has been a very, very, very hectic few weeks for me. finally had a few moments to spare from my extravagant schedule that i have started to get tired of,  so instead of getting some quality sleep and chilling out my weekend and worry about all the things that is fucked up in my life, i decided to drop by in here to announce that i am excited to share my book of poetries with you, and so, the intro + playlist is up! 
          save it in your library for future updates, and thank you for visiting! i really hope you all like it <3
          and so for the unreplied dms and replies, i am sorry. istg, i am not ignoring or ghosting you. i don't think i would be able to get back to them at any time quickly (as if i am not already late to that lmao *sob*).
          i hope you do understand (:
          ps. did you all check my short story book collection yet? please do check it out as well, and let me know all about it! 
          see you soon,
          yours truly.
          link to my poetry book 'paper blues' :


            aw damn -- are you doing ok ? hope so
            very exhausting and frustrating 
            sorry it's been like that and I hope for the best for that
            I'm here if you need as always (though I may reply late asf too)
            thanks for sharing !
            I will checc it out when I can


hello everyone! 
          i hope you all are doing good~
          i had a bit of free time today since it is doctors day here in my country and my professors let us off early, i decided to published my book of short stories like i had mentioned in my description. please have a look and let me know your thoughts!
          have a great day/night ahead <3


            ! AYY !!
            I can't wait to check it out !!
            I shall hopefully be back sometime to do so N reply
            I like the name N cover so far !


Sorry for dropping in! 
          "You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."
          ~C.S. Lewis 
          Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night! 


@_abhipreeti_ / you don't have to be sorry! tysm for the quote! ah, i really needed to hear that today <3
            i hope you have a wonderful day ahead!


          thought you guys may enjoy talking to this person (I sure diididid)
          we all b book lovers N I think have similar taste ??
          N similar in the long text and acc replying pff


@myarchiacblues heyy, thanks and it's alright aha


            !! sweet !!
            yayaa !
            same for you !
            currently pre early here -- abt to log bacc off after replying :sunglasses:
            N np as always -- we understand -- it's on your bio as well lol
            N they b pre busy too


— what kind of genre of books you are into? 
          let me know! i want to get to know you all (:


            ofc -- and thanks to you as well as I don't always get back to you right away either (。>﹏<) ( ̄▽ ̄) 
            as always -- take your time


            cool cool yeah for my 3rd sis who read the books she thought the same that it was pre good
            WHAAA no wayyy !! wow you must've been a fast reader and it must've def been a book that really hooks you in
            interesting (the rest you told me) I am not to familar with it so I'm not really sure lol but yeah
            yeah -- I just avoid saying I like an author or anything cause I don't personally know them or anything ya'know (lol a wrong opinion at that -- a lot anyone shouldn't have {like racism for example} hope she does change those mindsets})
            LOL big mood ! yeah anime in general b a lot sometimes lool
            o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
            I think it just eventually feels that way for everyone as you get used to it or weren't able to be on it a lot as before ? and grow  as well ofc


            LOL to much of a mood (word count)
            ooo okay I see I see -- glad to know (* ̄▽ ̄*)
            oh yeah I suspected it was just a coincidence that all the books you recommended me have such great covers lol ! and sound to be great too 
            oo (abt book thief) that's nice N interesting thoughts
            I didn't get to far so I'm not sure what exactly you're referring to with those last few parts (//>.<//)
            aw -- I can imagine it was -- very glad to hear it was such a great book for you -- fr the best to find that, always
            aw actual good moment with your ma
            huhuh I'll see I'll see
            mystery horror for me I'd say is a genre I get iffy about
            but I'll be sure to checc it out
            aw need to pay for those stories 
            sounds interesting though !
            as I mentioned (I think lol) I don't really like reading on WP anyway anymore
            nice nice (agatha part)


hey everyone! 
          i hope you all are doing well!
          i have been so bored lately and decided to spend my time listening to a lot of J-pop music which includes a lot of fuji kaze, imase, yoh kamiyama and natori (guilty T-T) and some of them actually became my favs right away *happy dance*
          give them a try and i will let you know they aren't going to disappoint you at all <3
          what kind of songs are you into? let me know! 
          have an awesome day/night!


            same for you !
            reply whenever you have the time


@Sweetghouls / tysm !! i am super sorry again...i have been caught up with family dinners and studies ahhh but let's talk again soon! i hope your days have been going well, take care dear ❤️


            omg how do I keep accidentally pressing send --
            I was saying
            I put the pieces together


ayo do you want a shoutout ?
          I think you're nice N thought it'd be nice if more peeps to come on over ere' N join the party lol
          if you want ofc


@Sweetghouls / i appreciate the thought! thank you again (truly though >.< )


            yayaya !
            kkkkkk !!
            anytime ofc
            not much peeps read announcements I feel though N a lot have been inactive
            but hopefully I manage lol