
So, literally today in my math class, (of course it was my math class why wouldn't it be?), the table I sat at, the person next to me was absent. Now this kid and been absent for 3 days in a row and yesterday, for the test, the teacher left a huge stack of rulers there if any of the students wanted to grab it. One of the other tables with my friend usually has seem rulers so that my friend is able to make a little ritual this with its symmetry but I went all out this time. I made a star and surrounded it with symmetrical shapes and called it the satanic ritual. The guy sitting next to me said we needed blood and candles and I told him to cut off his fingers, they would do fine. Sadly tho, the neighboring table RUINED MY HARD WORK OF SYMMETRY AND PERFECTION (no joke I was fixing the satanic ritual during class) when the bell had rung and I got ready to leave. So this one kid went to the ritual thing and started making a different star and literally the teacher said " No, don't ruin it! You'll make *insert my real name* mad and the world doesn't want that. You are disrupting the world and it's balance." This is my reputation in class, as you can see, it's 100% a good reputation to have.


@endless_kimmy @i_love_dak_123 the best part of this is that it's all true 


@myfluffydream not to mention how sarcastic this girl is when she talks...and boy, does she have tons of yaoi (gay) ships that keep popping up, it's unbelievable yet we're proud of her *wipes a tear*


*insert your real name* is known in school as that one loud, demonic, scary, and gay worshipper girl, with 23+ siblings and a sleep deprived adopted mother that no one wants to mess around with, even the teachers know. Don’t see that everywhere in the world, yup.


So, literally today in my math class, (of course it was my math class why wouldn't it be?), the table I sat at, the person next to me was absent. Now this kid and been absent for 3 days in a row and yesterday, for the test, the teacher left a huge stack of rulers there if any of the students wanted to grab it. One of the other tables with my friend usually has seem rulers so that my friend is able to make a little ritual this with its symmetry but I went all out this time. I made a star and surrounded it with symmetrical shapes and called it the satanic ritual. The guy sitting next to me said we needed blood and candles and I told him to cut off his fingers, they would do fine. Sadly tho, the neighboring table RUINED MY HARD WORK OF SYMMETRY AND PERFECTION (no joke I was fixing the satanic ritual during class) when the bell had rung and I got ready to leave. So this one kid went to the ritual thing and started making a different star and literally the teacher said " No, don't ruin it! You'll make *insert my real name* mad and the world doesn't want that. You are disrupting the world and it's balance." This is my reputation in class, as you can see, it's 100% a good reputation to have.


@endless_kimmy @i_love_dak_123 the best part of this is that it's all true 


@myfluffydream not to mention how sarcastic this girl is when she talks...and boy, does she have tons of yaoi (gay) ships that keep popping up, it's unbelievable yet we're proud of her *wipes a tear*


*insert your real name* is known in school as that one loud, demonic, scary, and gay worshipper girl, with 23+ siblings and a sleep deprived adopted mother that no one wants to mess around with, even the teachers know. Don’t see that everywhere in the world, yup.


So the other day, aka this Friday, my math teacher told my math class, who by the way is not sane but extremely smart, that recently kids in our school in other “teams” have been “streaming” or recording their teachers in class and then posting it later on Snapchat or Instagram. Someone else in our “team” did this to our math teacher once and suddenly, he had gained many student followers, even some of which who attend our enemy school. So, like any math teacher, while “doing math” he read aloud some usernames, like “Asian big chungus” or “3rdperiodbandsucks” btw, the name under this one was “idiot” and our teacher was like, seems fitting. He also read the description of one of the quotes in my profile. He told us that if someone recorded him he hoped, “he was picking his nose or scratching his butt so it was worth the humor.” At the end of the period, we started chanting “*insert teacher’s last name* SHOES!” Due to the talk about what they would record, we kept chanting this even after the bell rang. Keep in mind this is an accelerated math class.


@i_love_dak_123 lol, he called them pretty Korean boys in our class.


@myfluffydream lol, I follow him too. Thank goodness he didn't read out my username bc he was criticising how ppl that follow him have "handsome korean men" as their profile picture, and I'm one of em


@endless_kimmy interesting is an understatement, my math class is straight up weird and out of their minds 


So the other day, I read this prompt thing about how a solar eclipse was basically Artemis punishing Apollo for something so extremely stupid that she does it in the middle of the day. So from that I was thinking, hey doesn’t that mean that scientists can predict when Apollo decides to be more stupid than normal? Do you think that scientists are just gods undercover and every time  they make a prediction on solar eclipses they make like bets with each other on what Apollo did? Or is this just my weird brain?


          Once you get this message, you are supposed to paste it on eight other people’s boards who you think are a winner of it. It’s no problem if you break this chain, but it’s nice to know someone thinks you are beautiful.