Hello people! I know most of you are not going to view this message but I need your help, I've been writing an original story that has survived the first draft and I'm currently adding prologues, epilogues and re writing it for the second draft, but I'm severely unmotivated so I decided to maybe upload it here, If you would read it let me know! The basic plot is as follows:
Aquapost is one of the most isolated countries in the world, being in the smack middle of the Pacific ocean, not even it's inhabitants know of the world around them. Following a religion that strictly forbids any sort of discrimination, especially between castes, Eight friends find themselves divided by the caste system their government has embedded in their lives, one, that they will eradicate as soon as the clocks go backwards a calendar day, symbolizing the Day of Judgement, and these friends come up with a plan most peculiar to maintain and establish the equality they've craved, meanwhile their individual lives start spiralling.