
Hello! So I don’t really know if anyone will even read or respond to this but I just have a question. So I am actually slowly but surly writing again. I have a story in the process right now but I was wondering peoples opinion. Should it be a y/n story or an oc? Either one is fine I was just wondering what would you guys like if you read it! Or just what most people actually read. I believe all the other stories I’ve done were y/n stories but I can always write an oc as well if that’s what everyone is reading now! love y’all


@mlbxandrea it’s gonna take a while since I’m still trying to find motivation to continue writing but I’ll try my best to hurry just for you!❤️☺️


@mygvkth Can’t wait to read it !!!!


@mlbxandrea but I could always write and post both versions as well in caseit’s not like I’m busy or have anything else to do


Hello! So I don’t really know if anyone will even read or respond to this but I just have a question. So I am actually slowly but surly writing again. I have a story in the process right now but I was wondering peoples opinion. Should it be a y/n story or an oc? Either one is fine I was just wondering what would you guys like if you read it! Or just what most people actually read. I believe all the other stories I’ve done were y/n stories but I can always write an oc as well if that’s what everyone is reading now! love y’all


@mlbxandrea it’s gonna take a while since I’m still trying to find motivation to continue writing but I’ll try my best to hurry just for you!❤️☺️


@mygvkth Can’t wait to read it !!!!


@mlbxandrea but I could always write and post both versions as well in caseit’s not like I’m busy or have anything else to do


Hello! This is the first time doing this but I would just like to say that if you like Haikyuu! and Kageyama I just uploaded a Kageyama x reader story called “Can We Try Again?” Also happy early Halloween!