
Finally updated ‘Twisted Dreams’ :) Enjoy. 


Harlequin is hosting the entire So You Think You Can Write (SYTYCW) contest here on Wattpad. The winners will be able to get a two-book Harlequin publishing deal! How awesome is that?!? 
          All the details that you need to know to enter, are all down below, connected to the link.

          Press it! You know you want to... It is after all a once in a life time deal ;p


hahahaha XD well I won't get mad I mean its not like I haven't written the chapter yet XD I have like 10 chapters already done all I have to do is just review it quickly and clics post :) it was super awesome chattiin with you so just drop by and say hi and I always reply :D have a lovely day! now I have a tournament to go to so bye!!!


@Fiction_escapade haha, you are so nice, I definitely will remember just make sure not to get mad at me if I repeatedly urge you to update ;p and I have no idea why you're fangirling over me, but still I think you are amazing and like before I think that I should be the one fangirling not you!! Man, I did not expect the author of one  my new favourite books to actually have a convo with me let alone get excited over the things I do (whew, that was a long paragraph, hehe) 


@Queenfungus you causes me to have a mini fangirliing time 
          Maaan gosssh aahhh 
          Too much flattery in there seriously 
          Just remind me nest next Thurs or if I can get my but to finish writing 2 chapters before next Thurs then illnuodate nest Thurs because you are just so cute? Okay cute isn't offensive but jut wooooowww