this message may be offensive
j o e X f e l i c i a = RANCHES, GOATS AND SHANE DAWSON LEVEL SHIT HAPPENING- and also. w e i r d w h o l e s o m e

i just wanna say ever since you came into my life it has been less boring and thanks for letting me share my stuff- of course it also includes tolerating my over-sending of messages and my weird ass- thanks for just not ghosting me- also thanks for willing to be the joe to my felicia- iNhaLe- t h a n k y o u-

bang bang con more like- okay i ran out of jokes it's too early- I mean not quite but it's early- Does 1pm count as early

are you trash- because i would love to take you to my crib- Aka- DuMPsTeRRRRrR ayYYYy WE aRe tRash ganGGGGGG

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don't mind me- i just woken up- and this is the shit i do- guess you have to tolerate it. let's all have a moment of silence

@mylifeisasadcomedy well- Great- I'm a professional at dealing with it so if you ever need me I'm the first one to go to-

tho we live like millions (kay maybe not that far) kilometers away from each other- DOESN'T MEAN I CAN'T SEND MY LOVE TO YOU YOU SON OF A BIATCH- also. I fancy lAMB mEAT

@mylifeisasadcomedy I aTE TheM fOr mY dAd's BirThdaY- im a disappointment- should have stick with chicken instead-

hunni you great i can't describe how your skillz are like oh my wow chef's kiSs-

@mylifeisasadcomedy well- i mean you can say it's the ranch- but- you know my depressed ass just wanted to just appreciate some human beings or animals

