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I am going to be VERY blunt. Nowadays, our education system sucks. A wise man once said"every one is smart, but if you judge a fish on its abilitly to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life thinking its stupid.
We our trying to fit our school students in to molds like clay or play doh. Kids that try to pay attention in class really do try. The teachers can not see that because they are trainned to have a mindset of one size fits all. The kids with mental illnesses are some of the smartess kids, but society is making them look stupid because of the fact that they think "one size fits all" is correct, pardon my french but thats bullshit. Some kids from anxiety to ashbergers and autisim happen to be some of my best friends. We should be enbracing kids talents instead of saying things like " creativity can come later" if this goes on, our future will be nothing but trainned robots. Please say somthing to anyone. Like a parent or a respectful fun teacher. A better future starts with noticing the problem.