
hello! i’ll be taking a trip these next few week and wasn’t able to get the new chapter out before leaving! new chapter should be out toward the end of june :) thanks for understanding <3


hi friends! likely no chapter this or next week because i’m gearing up for finals, but i do have a few one shots i wrote within the last week up on my tumblr @myloveforhergoeson! a few are based on songs from my spotify wrapped and one is a non-canon tasw high school au <3 so if you’re wanting a bit of extra rames in your life you know where to find it ;)


hi friends! to bridge the gap between posting chapters every two weeks i'm going to do my best to post a little one shot or something tasw related to my tumblr on the off week :) they'll live there for now, so go check it out if you're interested <3


hello! an ask from a lovely reader on tumblr inspired me to make some playlists for my story :) 
          • fic playlist:
          (song from where i got the title from + chapter title songs)
          • roxy's playlist:
          (a playlist of roxy's favorite songs) 
          if anyone needs alternate formats i can make a youtube playlist too, just let me know! and if you're interested in learning more about the character's music tastes and their families, check out my last few posts @myloveforhergoeson on tumblr. 
          enjoy <3