
this message may be offensive
Hi guys! To everyone reading Reigniting Sparks, I'm so sorry! I deleted the story just now because the storyline was so messed up. I'd have to recreate it, but first I have to get my shit together in order to do so. Love you guys! <3


this message may be offensive
Hi guys! To everyone reading Reigniting Sparks, I'm so sorry! I deleted the story just now because the storyline was so messed up. I'd have to recreate it, but first I have to get my shit together in order to do so. Love you guys! <3


Hi guys! So I've written out a bunch of chapters for Reigniting Sparks, and while I'm still editing all of it, I decided to dedicate a chapter for each of my followers as a thank-you for still sticking by me :) but I'm still gonna say it though. THANK YOU! <3


This might be a day or two late, what with the different timezone and all, but I wish you all a happy new year! And this might sound cliche too, but this is your chance to make the change in your life you've always wanted to. 365  days. 365 chances.  Don't wait for tomorrow if you could do it today :)
          wow that's reaaaaaally cheesy. haha sorry guys. i love you all <3


Hey so, I love your background picture omg it's amazing, so I just wanted to ask you why you dedicated the chapter thing to me :)


@beatlesx they are amazing :) xD


@obama_self  oh, hi. thanks! i saw that your dp was the 1975 and i cannot stress enough the fact that i love that band so much lol


hello! you're account is so cool :)


Haha, I know right?! :) I ship Ted and Robin, how about you? :D Oh wow, thanks. I kind of just write whatever comes into my mind so yeah.


yeah omg himym is awesome <3
            and omq your books are so cool


Oh hey! Thanks! It's basically just a few things I love. PS, if you love himym too, you're super awesome! :-)