@yeosangssweety oh no I’m sorry. I understand she’s your mother, it’s the same as with mine but, eventually she’ll either choose to accept it or not. And if she doesn’t then yk you have other people who do. To be honest, wattpad is my escape, especially when it comes to lgbtq bc everyone here is so accepting and kind, here, even if it’s for a short while, I feel secure and safe, more so than with my own family at times. It’s hard knowing your family won’t be there for you, but you’ll always have someone who will. And that’s what family really is, it’s accepting and loving, no matter your differences, no matter your preferences, being there to support you and have your back during hard times, that’s a true family. For what it’s worth, if you need someone to talk to, even though I haven’t exactly come out to my own family, you can always talk to me, or anyone else you know here, I’m sure they’re willing to talk and give you advice or just make you feel accepted. This community we have on this app, it’s so large and overflowing with love and acceptance, it really does feel like a family when you talk to people, even if you’ve never met. I’m sorry you have to go through this, I hate knowing others are going through the same feelings I am rn bc it’s hard not knowing who to tell, and you shouldn’t ever try to turn yourself into someone you’re not, especially since it’s a part of you. I’ve always had this feeling that I wasn’t straight, it wasn’t until recently that I was able to confirm that I am bisexual, and I’ve also tried to force myself to be straight, but I can’t, bc it’s just not who I am. You are you, you’ll always be you, and at the end of the day, you’ll always have yourself, even when you feel alone. So love yourself, accept yourself, don’t let anyone tell you that who you love is wrong or what your sexuality is wrong, bc it’s not. It’s just a part of you. A beautiful part of you that you shouldn’t be feel the need to change.