Dear chingu,
I don't know what to address you but I will call you lovelies for now I'm writing this to tell you that what's going on my life now well I don't know if you would care or not but I am saying this cause I saw you as a friend as a sister who I met through internet, I'm now kinda a depressed teen with gad cool right hehe,I don't know if I could survive anymore or I could feel myself anymore
But as the reader of your books and as a responsible teen I would like to inform you that I am taking a long break don't be scared I won't harm myself or do something foolish I'm just going to isolate myself from internet.So what I want to say to you is no matter how bad things get hard be strong and show your strong and do not be afraid. I will come back for sure but as a stronger self thank you for supporting me it meant alot.
Love y'all bye