
I’m going to upload all the parts I have written for Little Do You Know, but as someone who has gone through similar things, I think it’s best that I put it aside for the future. :)


Writing, reading, sleeping. Sounds like a good plan to me!
          Good luck Americans, you can survive four years with Trump. (...seriously, I'm not American, and I'm scared!) (Is it just me or does he look like a racist chicken nugget with Guinea pig hair?) #lovetrumpshate
          Don't forget to have a moment of silence tomorrow. So many people risked their lives for us, it's the least we can do. #remebethem  (the closest emoji I have for a poppy) 


Sorry, but I have recently joined a writing group where the groups pieces will be brought in. Where mine is on Wattpad, I have to rewrite mine out and then I will get feedback from the other students and the teacher. That means that Undercover will be post poned. When the group is over I personally will take the time to rewrite everything, and who knows. Maybe the group will help improve it. In the meantime I will be a bit inactive, where it is now pen to paper, but I promise I'm still around. Also, I will start working on my THG fanfiction. I have a couple covers made and is currently deciding on a cover! Thank you guys...well like three of you guys  for being so awesome. I hope whoever reads Undercover is enjoying it, because in the near future, it will be ten times better!!! Thanks! 


I know that I'm currently writing an original novel, but would you guys be interested in a Hunger Games fanfiction? I wrote one awhile back, but that was almost three years ago (I wrote it in my notes then transfered it to wattpad) and it was very basic and the writing was terrible, so I deleted it. Also, I just got COHF so maybe some shadowhunters fanfiction? I dunno, after COHF I have to read Lady Midnight, The Bane Chronicles anf the shadowhunters codex! Let me know what you think, because I am more of a fanfiction person than an original story! 


You guys may have read some of my books, then noticed I deleted all of them...I'm coming back and continuing to write stories on my free time. I can't make no promises, but I really do want to come back and continue writing. I may rewrite some of my old stories, but change them up. I also have some ideas for new ones! I cannot wait for what will come in the future!!!