
Hi, this will be my last ever announcement, so I'll keep it short and to the point. 
          	After going back and forth with myself, I have decided to delete Wattpad off my life. The works that have been accumulated in this account will remain, despite me being unsure if I should keep them up due to certain reasons. In the end, I'm officially quitting writing due to physical and mental health reasons. No details will be said.
          	As much as I thought my official farewell of this platform and this life will be filled with cheesiness and goodbyes, I'll save my breath due to various reasons. But I would still like to thank everyone that has been here, was here, still is here, for being such good readers, friends and writers. Thank you for your support for the past years. If I have hurt you, offended you or anything, I'm sorry.
          	We will never see each other again (unless you know me elsewhere), but at least, foolishly, I just wish you guys all the best. Remember to take care of yourselves.
          	This is the end of MaiMia (mysteryjessica). Once again, thank you and goodbye.
          	With sincerity,


@mysteryjessica I don't have much to say, other than to thank you for all of the great fanfics. I do wish you the best of luck for your life too.
          	  Yours sincerely,
          	  A reader


@mysteryjessica Hey Mai, I know I'm pretty late and I myself like haven't been on this app for such a long time. But Mai-san, I hope you know how proud even I am of you. You were one of the writers who I've looked up to since I was like what? Middle school! You're an amazing person and honestly, though this is a farewell—I'm glad that you decided to look after yourself. It think that's good, but sincerely. Thank you for all the good wonderful stories you had written for everyone! We'll miss you, but we wish you the best of luck. 
          	  Yet stay safe and make sure to take things in your own pace, ok? You got this!
          	  Sincerely, Mellow.


          	  As someone once said, it's not a goodbye but I'll see you one day. I'm sorry for not being online as often and have not been checking up on you. Whatever your reason may be, I just hope you'll find happiness again. Thank you being such a wonderful online sister that I have the pleasure of talking with.
          	  Thank you for being one of TNC sista. Just know that we will always be with you in spirit.♥️
          	  We love you, Mai-chan.
          	  Big Sis Haru


Hi, this will be my last ever announcement, so I'll keep it short and to the point. 
          After going back and forth with myself, I have decided to delete Wattpad off my life. The works that have been accumulated in this account will remain, despite me being unsure if I should keep them up due to certain reasons. In the end, I'm officially quitting writing due to physical and mental health reasons. No details will be said.
          As much as I thought my official farewell of this platform and this life will be filled with cheesiness and goodbyes, I'll save my breath due to various reasons. But I would still like to thank everyone that has been here, was here, still is here, for being such good readers, friends and writers. Thank you for your support for the past years. If I have hurt you, offended you or anything, I'm sorry.
          We will never see each other again (unless you know me elsewhere), but at least, foolishly, I just wish you guys all the best. Remember to take care of yourselves.
          This is the end of MaiMia (mysteryjessica). Once again, thank you and goodbye.
          With sincerity,


@mysteryjessica I don't have much to say, other than to thank you for all of the great fanfics. I do wish you the best of luck for your life too.
            Yours sincerely,
            A reader


@mysteryjessica Hey Mai, I know I'm pretty late and I myself like haven't been on this app for such a long time. But Mai-san, I hope you know how proud even I am of you. You were one of the writers who I've looked up to since I was like what? Middle school! You're an amazing person and honestly, though this is a farewell—I'm glad that you decided to look after yourself. It think that's good, but sincerely. Thank you for all the good wonderful stories you had written for everyone! We'll miss you, but we wish you the best of luck. 
            Yet stay safe and make sure to take things in your own pace, ok? You got this!
            Sincerely, Mellow.


            As someone once said, it's not a goodbye but I'll see you one day. I'm sorry for not being online as often and have not been checking up on you. Whatever your reason may be, I just hope you'll find happiness again. Thank you being such a wonderful online sister that I have the pleasure of talking with.
            Thank you for being one of TNC sista. Just know that we will always be with you in spirit.♥️
            We love you, Mai-chan.
            Big Sis Haru


TW: Depression, Rant
          Uh hi. It's been a while.
          Old or new followers, hello. It's me. Naturally crazy angst writer MaiMia. I have bad news? Well, after sitting on my ass for months since my last update, I'm here to announce that I will no longer be writing and updating for an extended period of time. Not to say I will stop writing completely, but it's not a hiatus. Just complete stop. Nothing about writing, nothing about thinking about updating. This is just a pause in my life where I really have started to sink in a deep hole of depression. A few months ago, I singlehandedly destroyed nearly all of my relationships with friends. Since then, I struggled to stay afloat. What used to be my love and passion has dried up and I hate it. I want to write, express feelings, but everytime I write, it's surges of uncomfortableness and demotivation. I haven't been able to finish a single story, nor a collab since my last update. And recently, maybe it's just me, but I can't confidently say I have a lot of friends anymore, not even with the people I used to be close to. I can no longer find a safe space anywhere and every thing I do brings up memories of the friends I used to have. As such, I have decided to quit Wattpad and writing for a period of time. 
          Honestly, to those people I wish I could call my friends, just leave me alone and stop acting nice to me if you don't care about me anymore.
          Other than my decaying mental state, I now can officially announce that my physical health has gotten a lot worse after testing with medical professionals. For now, surveillance is needed, that's all I will say.
          Anyway, TL:DR, due to physical and mental health taking a worse turn, this author will be quiting Wattpad and writing for an undetermined amount of time, maybe even forever. Thank you for the support and kind words in these 3-4 years, I wish you all well and happiness. I feel bad for my unfinished stories, but their end is for now. 
          Take care.
          With sincerity,
          MaiMia 2023


@mysteryjessica take care :( , we will be waiting I hope you get better soon 


oh I’m so sorry hopefully you’ll feel better with time just focus on yourself and getting better! 
            wish all the best of luck


Hello, hi.
          It's been a while hasn't it? haha I hope y'all are doing well.
          A bit of a life update? 
          I haven't been able to work on any stories during my hiatus because of a multitude of reasons, one being my mental state and burnout. But now, I think I have somewhat recovered? I finally moved out temporarily, so I can focus on myself as well as on school. 
          Instead of writing, I think my main focus will be on school, but I should be getting off hiatus soon. I'm preparing updates, but I'll really take my time to write. Thank you all for your patience. 
          I'll see you guys soon then, and thank you for the new follows and votes haha 


@mysteryjessica glad to know you've recovered a bit! Hope you can recover even more  take your time if you need to, MaiMia 


@mysteryjessica glad to know you're somewhat better. I hope it'll improve! 


Going on indefinite hiatus ciao~
          Once I'm back, probably will be updating these books:
          Utaite oneshots
          Midnight Malfeasance
          (new) Utaite crossover [Further announcements will be made]
          Haven't been feeling great both mentally and physically. (Not that it matters to y'all lmao) Burnout + some other stuff
          Gonna be taking a chill break and focus on my paying work first + some family time that parents have been wanting to drag me around for 
          Also, If you text me anywhere, if I ignore, please realise it's for a damn reason, where by it be hiatus or something else. if it's urgent, I'll reply as necessary. ngl i need a mental health check I've been ignoring. Guys please make sure you guys take care of yourselves and don't let it spiral out of control.
          Okay that's all bye. Stay happy and healthy and make sure to make your life happy and enjoy it, okay bye.


@mysteryjessica everyone deserves a break, including you Mai-san! Focus on what's important first and take a breather (aka breaks and taking care of both mental and physical self) 


@mysteryjessica it's understandable Mai-san! I will miss you but everyone needs a break. Good luck with your work! Remember to stay safe. 


Just a PSA
          If you see the user jessie95336 posting a link anywhere, please report it and mute the user. It's a spam acc posting a link that sends you to a sex page (18+). Again, please report it and mute the user. My books got nuked by it and I've attempted to remove them. Just beware and take care of yourselves.


@lied_from_the_dead good job owo)b be sure to report and delete their comment 


@mysteryjessica ohhh so that's what that notification with a link was(it was a comment from my book). I ignored them since I didn't check the link - thank god, I would've been traumatized.


@The_Silent_Eye not only coz of these spam accs but also coz the toxicity that has grown on this platform tbh. and also because now, wattpad monetised books and the books they recommend are kinda shitty and paywalled. I miss the old wattpad but that's just life ig- anyway stay safe owo7


Happy Valentines~
          I haven't been able to write solo so everything's on pause sobs But since I'm in quarantine due to close contact I might have time... *looks to my 5 assignments peering down at me*
          Yeah, totally have time, they don't exist.
          Anyway, hope you guys have a great day and stay safe!


this message may be offensive
guess who was a dumbass and broke her phone-
          cries in pain
          first laptop now phone
           wallet in pain
          dies in phoneless


@mysteryjessica aweeee, poor you. This lie-san can sympathize with you. No phone, no life, and bye bye money /sigh/(pats) 


Happy New Year~
          I didn't manage to get my Christmas update our because of how busy I was TT I'm upset- Anyway, I'll get it out one day...
          Hope 2022 would be a better than the last two years @@
          I've moved out of my house too so I should have more time~
          Also! I... want to start... another book...
          slaps self
          Danganronpa X utaite? :D?
          I hope, this year I'll be able to be more consistent with my updates TT
          I will do my best this year too so everyone do your best too~
          Happy new year 2022~
          Ciao o7


@Mirai2Haruka Happy new year big sis Haru! Thanks ou and take care of urself~ (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


@mysteryjessica Happy New Year, Mai-chan! Looking forward to any new stories you might come up with!! (/^-^(^ ^*)/(*˘︶˘*).。*♡


@The_Silent_Eye it's... on the way w miko and I just got freed up to write so we're working on the new chapter right now. don't worry, it's on the way :D


Merry Christmas~
          I wanted to do a Christmas update but I've been busy TT I'm moving out of my house, I just got my computer fixed and Christmas is just busy in general TT
          So it'll be late but I hope I can finish it before the year ends <( ̄︶ ̄)>
          Merry Christmas and Happy new Year~
          Everyone stay safe and enjoy the holidays :>


@The_Silent_Eye thankssss also in her words "Uhh, I’m doing alright since it’s finally holidays ww"


@mysteryjessica Sure, good luck!
            Also how is Mikoto-san?