
Considering doing sporadical updates for Fated Love and War while I’m out of school. Rather than just posting updates on Friday’s. Thoughts? 


So here are some final decisions for My Abused Mate. 
          •There will be three books in the series. 
          •The first two books will each have two parters. So My Abused Mate and Complications in Love and Paws will be one book. With MAM as part one and CILAP will be part two. 
          •I will be posting one chapter at a time to behold suspense between chapters but I will probably post an update once a week so people aren’t waiting too long. 
          •I won’t begin posting the rewritten version though till I’ve rewritten most of it. 
          My final question is, should I give the book a new name? I’ll let each part keep its original name but as a book as a whole should I rename it? I kinda want o but I don’t know what to name it. 


I think changing it when you actually have a title in mind would be the best course. So leave it as is until you think of a new one?


So I’m going to be rewriting My Abused Mate. I started it when I was young and I obviously did a poor job at that time to really represent my characters. So I will be working on that, my question is should I post it all at once when it’s finished or should I post it chapter per chapter? 


@LilithMoonlightRaven well good news for you is that I am doing it chapter by chapter with updates on fridays and the first 2 chapters are already out 


@_tinyone_ chapter by chapter since I’m already hooked on the story  I usualy read only completed books cuz I really need to know how it ends (hate sad edings/tragic) AND some times the author drops the story without any word.


@_tinyone_  chapter by chapter makes people want to read on while leaving it all at once wont get that much


Last Chapter of Her Abused Mate is now updated!! Also check out the next book in the series since it’s first chapter is up too!! The next book is allied Complications in Love and Paws !!!


Yes it will overlap!! 


@_tinyone_  Will it overlap? It's cool knowing the early life of Jen and Clair. But Jen having a crush on Clair... Didn't know that. And she ends up mated to Brittany while Britt is engaged to Clair. I knew that well till Clair finds her mate.


Next chapter for Her Abused Mate will be very late. I’m very busy. Also it’s the last chapter and very long. I also will post it and the first chapter of the “next” book in the series the same day!! 


@_tinyone_ are you posting today or another day ?