welp! maybe I'm not genderfluid. omg omgomgogmgom ok let me catch you up.
when I put my profile as Nico I hadn't settled on the name. I just was going as ( real name ) at school and home. I figured it out when I was going to sit at lunch with my friend ( we will call her kelsy because people mispronounced her name as that/ she/her straight ) that today was one of my masc days and she looked at me weird. I was just like " yeah you know, the days where you feel kinda boyish?" and she was like " um no, that's just you". so I did the classic am I trans/gay quiz, and surprise surprise I'm " genderfluid". I had some nb friends and my mom started to think I was nb because of it ( I'm not ). anyway, she still used she/her pronouns so whatever I guess. but then I came out to my friends. then I came out to my 15-year-old sis ( ps my parents are divorced ) and she was like whatever dude. the next day I came out to my dad and stepmom and it was all good. my friends were fine with it because we're all gay and that went on for a couple of months until my fully transitioned friend was like " you've been a guy for like 3 months, I think your trans" and I was like " no I'm not, I'm genderfluid I can't control what days I feel like a boy". anyway turns out they thought they were genderfluid before they figured out they were trans so I thought cool story bro but that's not me. so I did more research and turns out this happens with most trans people. anyway, I was thinking of an experiment name to see how it felt, and then Nico was born. My parents found my wreck it journal and on the write carelessly page I destroyed the f out of it with all my feeling and my dad/stepmom found it and turned up to the other house while I was at school to discuss it and then it slipped out the snake that is my stepmoms mouth that I'm genderfluid. she . outed . me . well dam. my mom/stepdad don't use my pronouns either and my mom still thinks I'm nb