
Hey guys! To those who have read the first chapter of my daughter of Iron man sequel, go re-read it, I added a lot to the chapter. Thanks for your patience as I navigate this new book!


Oie, desculpa incomendar, mas eu vi que vc gosta da marvel, então acho que pode gostar da minha fanfic.
          "Eu já passei por coisa muito pior, Natasha, e você sabe disso." 
          Uma missão dos Vingadores necessita de habilidades especiais, então Nick Fury "sugere" que Natasha chame uma velha amiga.
          A garota é cheia de segredos, e é um mistério, ninguém sabe sobre seu passado, nem mesmo Natasha.
          De onde Natasha conhece essa garota?
          Será que eles podem confiar nela?

          Da uma olhadinha e depois me diz o que achou.


Hey everybody! I have finally after 3(?) years finished writing the daughter of Iron Man! It’s been an incredible journey, and I’m really going to miss working on this story. I plan on writing more stories in the future but for now, this is goodbye. I will be serving a full 18 month mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I will return in July of 2022, and I plan on writing a few original books based off of ideas I’ve had for a while, so look out for those at the end of 2022!
          Thank you so much for all of your support. Darlingsophisticated, my IRL friend introduced me to Wattpad 4 years ago, but I’ve been writing for nearly 9 years now. I thought I would maybe have 10 reads on my book, but this book has really exceeded my expectations. Thank you all so very much for your support, and I hope you’ll all return for my writing journey when I come home!


 Hi,@mythicalwinter10 I loved your story and thank you for writing this message because without it I would not hv noticed that you were going on a mission. Anyway I was writing this message because I loved Daughter of Iron Man and I was hoping you could write a sequel and I also want to see Peter and Alice together aswell as Spider-Man and Blue Raven joining the Avengers officially 