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Hi, i know, i need to start writing again. i’m working on it i promise!!! meanwhile, let me know what i should update first. something new i’ve been working on or an oldie??? your feedback is much appreciated!!!! love u all but not as much as i love harry styles 


An apology for me being missing. Mental illnesses tend to ruin your life and separate you from the things you love most. I have had a lot of people try to beg me to update my stories, and I am so sorry for not replying to you. I am truly trying to get back on my feet and conquer my depression and so far I am doing great. Writing has given me a reason to be happy. I will try to finish Rapunzel by the end of this year, and be halfway finished with either DITD or John Lennon. Also I will be working a little on Cruises with Caden and turning it into a one chapter, short story. I hope you all can forgive me. And thank you to those who checked up on me. It means more than you will ever know.


hiiii everyone.  sorry for being MIA and making you wait for updates.  I've been busy with school things such as overnight field trips, national honor society, FFA, and model United Nations.  not only that but I also have my youth group, work, and studying for upcoming exams.  this weekend I'm going to try to write and update.  it will probably be Rapunzel that gets the update, and maybe DITD.  but anyways pls be patient with me.  I'm trying the best I can.  love you all. 


So as some of you may know, I'm going through a tough time right now, as I am a directioner and this is the worst week of my life.  I'm sorry for the lack of updating, I was going to do it this week but as of the right now I'm too sad to do anything.  For those wondering my thoughts on Zayn leaving, here they are.  
            I'm gonna be completely honest.  I'm so happy Zayn left.  It's better he left now than rather to deal with the stress on his own and then end up like Kurt Cobain, or Robin Williams, or Heath Ledger.  His happiness needs to come before his fame.  All he's done for the past four years was tour, record, tour, record, tour, record, tour, record.  He needed a break.  Does this hurt?  Hell yes.  Do I want him to come back? Yes.  Am I going to stop being a fan, sell my tickets, and stop supporting the other boys? No.  I stand by his decision fully.  I support him.  I know that the other boys support him too.  So many people are so worked up over this.  Would you rather him be happy? Or him be dead by suicide due to stress.  Your choice, but make the right one.  From this, he's taught me that myself, my happiness, my mental health, comes before anyone else.  That means a lot.  Zayn isn't being selfish, he's being smart.  And honestly, one day I do believe he will come back to One Direction.  He loves it too much to give it up fully.  Yes I know he paid 16 million to get out of this, and people are saying he wouldn't have done that if he didn't really want out.  Yes I know he wanted out, but I also know he loved touring and loved the boys and loved performing.  He loved it, but needed more/longer breaks.  I believe he will come back.  I believe in his decision.  I believe in Zayn Javaad Malik. 


Super pleased with the fact that in just under a week, Daisies in the Dark already as 71 reads.  None of my other works have had this much progress in their first weeks.  Thank you to all who are reading.  I will try to update this weekend, not only Daisies in the Dark, but Rapunzel as well.  Thank you all.