
Where are all my untainted lovers


Alrighty ladies and gents!
          I'm currently writing Chapter 8  of The Run In...
          yeah I know.
          I've come across some writer's block okay. I hope you guys can forgive me.
          Until it's out, I wanted to know how many of you are interested in poetry and if you wanted to read any of mine...? Just curious.
          I hope to hear from you guys soon.
          I love you all and I'm so so so so so so so so SO with-pizza-rolls-on-top sorry for the wait. You guys have been so patient and don't deserve this.


          *fireworks bloom in the sky, a marching band comes out and serenades everyone then a buffet is set out with a Nutella fountain splattering into everyone giant golden goblets*
          life is good.
          for now.
          i'm constantly trying to make this upcoming chapter(in T.R.I.) longer and longer but i just recently rewrote a few parts and i'm still not finished.
          it's my fault, honestly.
          but it's coming. don't you worry your pretty little head :)
          if you are actually reading this( which i'm guessing is like a total of ten people) than thank you so much for your ongoing support. i'm working my hardest for you people.
          good thing is that cross country season DOES begin soon.
          i'll have more stuff up.
          love you guys so much. to the Aquarius Dwarf Galaxy and back :)
          P.S. my birthday party is tomorrow
          P.S.S. which is weird considering my birthday is in March... oh well :)))))
          P.S.S.S. seriously if you're still reading, put a little " * " on your favorite chapter so far and I'll comment back with a smiley face. love y'all


Hey ladies and gents!
          I just wanted to say I'm really sorry about the not so great update :(
          Chapter Seven IS IN WORKS.
          Hold your horses, geez.
          Really pooped today because I had to run two miles in conditioning class this morning then had seven and a half miles for track O.o
          Help my legs.
          I also went out to get ice cream with my running friend and my stomach is exploding for some reason.
          No, I'm not throwing up.
          Since this is sorta kinda maybe a lot of bull that I just typed, I'm still sorry, I'll make up for it soon.
          I have something planned ;)
          Love all your support! <3
          P.S. Please send help for my legs
          P.S.S. I can't even put in words how sorry I am about the update 
          P.S.S.S. If you're still reading, I'm actually laying down in my bed in a semi heated blanket drinking ginger ale :/