Hi! I'm a new writer to the field in terms of kpop stories.
I've been an official stan since 2020 but never thought
about writing stories about them. This is my first story
kpop related and in english as well (as I'm an english and another language native speaker but never wrote an english story before). Could you please check it out? I'Il really appreciate some support from fellows writers and even some feedbacks.
Thank you very much!
updated until chapter 50!!! pls enjoy while i rest for a bit hehe, i promise i will update as soon as i can!! thank you for 5.7k+ reads and 440+ votes ♥️♥️♥️
hi people, i am so sorry for not updating for a few weeks. so stressed since school reopened, i will try my best to update chapters along the way! thank you so much for the support, pls be patient for me okayyy, thank you and i love you all ♥️♥️♥️♥️