
hey guys! happy late new years lol


omg guys should i like actually make a really good fanfic and put actual real time and effort into it omg omg omg who shoudl it be about idk man agghhhahfowjakdclwmakw I DONT KNOWWWW RAAHHH


@fan_fiction_lol2020 OMG. im so sorry, i havent seen this!! lately i haven't been consuming any content, but i have so many ideas for themes of books but I DONT KNOW UGHHHH... thank you so much for the suggestion though! i appreciate lots <33


what content have you been consuming lately? if you dont want to be creating new characters you could expand on background ones?


i just wanna write something new but idk what about grrr


your theme is saur cutesy btw :0 <33


@-TOBIOCHAN OMG thank you, i love yours too<33.


I MISS YOU TOO OML </33  HOW HAVE YOU BEEN??? :( life been kinda crazy ngl, but f it we ball !?!?!!?!, hope you're doing good pooks, hopefully life aint kicking us in the ass no more


@myylovemineallminee you too pooks <3 next year we're gonna get everything we've ever wanted <33


@-TOBIOCHAN AHHH HIII<3 life's been getting better, i just had my finals week so i'm relieved. i hope everything gets better for youu!! manifesting good vibes to come your way YAYUUHHH<3


NOTE: i just changed my username, it's darlingkaminari, though :D
          HEYY! so i'm finally.. back lol. i'm so sorry for saying i would start writing again and then completely disappeared ;-;. i got caught up with school again and forgot about this account </3. anyways i have a few announcements;
          1. i will be re-writing my old works to make it less.. cringey lol
          2. i have a new carrd ! (link in my bio :3)
          3. i'm creating ideas for a new book! i've recently gotten back into my harry potter phase so...
          4. i don't really like mha anymore. the fandom is sort of toxic and the fandom humor is just really cringey to me. so yeah.... i kinda anti mha now.
          well, that's all of the announcements i have for now. thank you for supporting me. i truly do appreciate everyone who follows me and read my works <3! have a wonderful day/night, now. byeeeee :D.


HI GUYYSSSS!! so i got really caught up in school and totally forgot about this account . i actually started reading fabrics again (and i have something new to fan girl over) so maybeeee i will start writing again :)! all and all, i just wanted to say hi and see how everyone's doing. bye bye now ! love uuuu xx.
          - P.S; i will be re-editing all of my books because i know all of my older writing was very cringey LOL.


fabrics.. whoopsies lol. fanfics*. sorry for the typo.




@Jishi13 that's good to hear! i'm alright. i just had my finals week </3. what's been going on with you?


@darlingkaminari I'm good! How are you? It's fine even I'm pretty inactive 


@Jishi13 is everything okay? i'm so sorry for responding late </3.