
If you liked Naia and Zevran in my other fics, I am finally putting their story on Wattpad! Expect 100% pure Zevran/Tabris fluff. https://www.wattpad.com/story/104790253


I just finished "I am Yours" and I have to tell you what a magnificent job you did. I dont think I could do it better myself, but I certainly plan on trying. Truly, I hope you're proud of yourself. You have every reason to be.


@n-lans I certainly did! Truly, you did wonderful, you have much to be proud of. The City Elf Origin just always made sense to me when romancing Zev. It just seemed so obvious.


@Sweetnothing5252 Oh my gosh, thank you so much!! Naia/Zev is a ship very close to my heart, I love hearing that other people enjoyed it too :)


I've read everything you've written so far and I think it's all fantastic. The way you expanded and brought together the dragon age world in your Inquisition FF was amazing and incredibly creative. As promised, the Zevran x Naia FF was pure ( amazing ) fluff and (though it's not as popular) , Denerim Confidential may yet be my favourite. It's amazingly creative and so well thought-out. I could never write Dragon Age fanfic because I always struggled to get into the characters' headspace. I always brought them across as too shallow, but you've given me a new appreciation for them that even the games couldn't. Thank you so much <3 and please never stop writing. 
          If you ever do a completely original work,  I would read it just as gladly as any of your fanfics. You're an amazing author :)


@n-lans Oh wow! That is suck a relief! When I saw you hadn't updated in a while , I started to panic! But thank you so much - I feel like you just saved my life. 
            I hope Denerim Confidential gets all the attention it desserves very very soon! <3 Thank you again, so so much. 


@this-iscalledahyphen Oh my gosh, thank you so much!! I'm so glad you like them. I stopped updating Denerim Confidential here because it wasn't getting much traction on Wattpad, but I finished it over on AO3--it even got a sequel! https://archiveofourown.org/works/9445127/chapters/21369887
            Now that the sequel is done I'm going to put the chapters up on Wattpad too so other readers won't be left in the lurch :)