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Here's the deal. I have a short 1,100ish word chapter for You Are the Darkness written and it's not my best, but it's what I have at the moment. I'm going to edit it and try to get it up within the next couple of days. Once it's up ima start working on a bomb ass chapter that I'm super fucking excited for and that is going to really bring some shit into this book. Sorry I've sucked guys, I'm trying and I love everyone who reads my stuff so so so so much!!


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Here's the deal. I have a short 1,100ish word chapter for You Are the Darkness written and it's not my best, but it's what I have at the moment. I'm going to edit it and try to get it up within the next couple of days. Once it's up ima start working on a bomb ass chapter that I'm super fucking excited for and that is going to really bring some shit into this book. Sorry I've sucked guys, I'm trying and I love everyone who reads my stuff so so so so much!!


i'm actually so sorry. i'm not going to lie and say i'll have a chapter up today or anything because i'm not sure when i will. i'm sorry i kept saying i would before, i honestly thought i was going to be able to. i'm just honestly in a really awful place right now and i can't find motivation for literally anything and on top of that i'm having really bad writers block. i am writing though, it just all really sucks and i have to keep going back and redoing it. i'm really sorry that i keep letting you guys down.


hola... i've done nothing but sleep, smoke pot, and read harry potter fanfictions for the past week :) BUt i'm feeling a little better and more motivated today so i'm hoping to have the next chapter of you are the darkness finished and somewhat edited (maybe posted) by tonight or tomorrow night. Yes i mean it this time hopefully aha. Love yall


life is pointless and nothing has meaning for me anymore. lucky for ya'll the only thing making me feel better rn is binging ahs asylum and coven, listening to music, and writing. i'm astounded by the amount of people that are reading you are the darkness. we're currently at 361 reads and 31 votes and i couldn't be more grateful.  i'm sorry i've been so bad with updating i honestly don't even know what to say at this point other than i'm just trying as hard as i can to not get myself hospitalized. i love every single one of you that has been reading my work and i'm excited to continue posting.


i'm almost finished with chapter 7 i think. then i just need to edit. i'm not really happy with this chapter right now, my writing just isn't that great in it but hopefully i'll be able to fix it with editing if now i'll rewrite it because i refuse to post something i'm not at least somewhat proud of. sorry i haven't posted in forever and that i keep saying i will,,,,i've been really shitty lately mentally like one minute i'll be having rage filled intrusive thoughts and the next i'll be planning my death so yaknow i'm not stable :)))))))))))))))) anyway i promise i'll post soon i just got finish this chapter and edit the fuckk outta it lolol.