
Villain quirk idea: make you forget the little things.
          	Ex: forget how to use chopsticks. What toilet paper is used for. How to tie a knot. What your birthday is. What santa claus is. What sarcasm is. How to hold a pencil. The word do. What shrimp is. How photosynthesis works.
          	You just forget little things and it makes your life insanely obnoxious and hard to deal with.


@n3rdy_potatoes that seems like a very annoying but interesting quirk


Villain quirk idea: make you forget the little things.
          Ex: forget how to use chopsticks. What toilet paper is used for. How to tie a knot. What your birthday is. What santa claus is. What sarcasm is. How to hold a pencil. The word do. What shrimp is. How photosynthesis works.
          You just forget little things and it makes your life insanely obnoxious and hard to deal with.


@n3rdy_potatoes that seems like a very annoying but interesting quirk


Me: I have 6 fictional crushes. Bakugou, todoroki, Kirishima, Ashido, Jiro, and Villain deku.
          Everyone: you cant have a crush on a fictional character.
          Fangirls: you can't have a crush on villain deku, he isnt cannon.
          Fight ME!!!!!


speaking of me being gay I have another gf again 


@n3rdy_potatoes  *throws a big stuffie at you*


@Waterbug54 So are you. we battle at dawn! *tosses stuffy at u*


Hey, my fellow gay hopeless romantics. I present another soulmate au that I need to write and so do you. 
          On the midnight of your 16th birthday your soul switches over into your soulmates. Once there you can leave notes, look at your soul mate in the mirror, etc. Lasts for 2 hours. They pretty much mentally black out for two hours. Your body on the o t.c her hand just takes a two hour nap. If you have more than one soul mate you will travel into the other's mind on your 17th, 18th,etc birthday. One person per night. 
          I also like the idea that this is how orphans find out what the exact day they where born was.


@JiminsRealLostJams I'm too busy to write latly. Other wise I would already pump it out.


@n3rdy_potatoes That's a good idea, but I already have like 30+ book ideas that I want to do ;-;


@n3rdy_potatoes that sounds nice, may choose to do this after I'm done with my current book :3