
Hi all, just some me updates!
          	1) buuusy lately (good busy but busy nonetheless), so if I’m currently reading your work I’ll attempt a catch up this week. I got y’all :)
          	2) editing Heart of Straw! Removed prologue and integrated that info into chps 1-3 via Trey’s dialogue/own POV. Changed a chp title or two. Officially turned chp 13.2 into its own chp 14, renamed the latest chp—that kinda thing. No reread required for anyone current lool
          	3) @storiesundiscovered has featured my Shatterstar collection in their Curiosity Cupboard list, so that’s exciting. Much gratitude to them for checking these pieces out!
          	Link to my shorts below (because they’re fire, and because you’ll find something you like. Trust in meeeee).
          	Take care~


@Olvaaarrdd <3 day 1 supporterrrr


@Stars_In_Jars  thank you for even finding the stories in the first place XD


Hi all, just some me updates!
          1) buuusy lately (good busy but busy nonetheless), so if I’m currently reading your work I’ll attempt a catch up this week. I got y’all :)
          2) editing Heart of Straw! Removed prologue and integrated that info into chps 1-3 via Trey’s dialogue/own POV. Changed a chp title or two. Officially turned chp 13.2 into its own chp 14, renamed the latest chp—that kinda thing. No reread required for anyone current lool
          3) @storiesundiscovered has featured my Shatterstar collection in their Curiosity Cupboard list, so that’s exciting. Much gratitude to them for checking these pieces out!
          Link to my shorts below (because they’re fire, and because you’ll find something you like. Trust in meeeee).
          Take care~


@Olvaaarrdd <3 day 1 supporterrrr


@Stars_In_Jars  thank you for even finding the stories in the first place XD


A word (nah words, I’m long-winded lol) of thanks to anyone whose been reading or are otherwise supportive of my work! Been around since early Dec and it’s been cool to meet a ton of y’all and exchange work and actually function as a active artist. 
          Couple cool recognitions lately:
          - Grand Champion (high score across all categories) in the Laurel Wreath Awards (Heart of Straw).
          - Best Protagonist for Pretty in Punk (for The Boy With Strange Blood)
          - Best Scenic Description for Pretty in Punk (Heart of Straw)
          Thanks y’all! Just a writer writing~
          Happy tidings and prosperity to y’all!


@Olvaaarrdd Congratulations! That's a lot of lovely recognition, and well-deserved^^


@Olvaaarrdd of course! Anytime ^.^


FRIEND OF DARKNESS (chp 14, Heart of Straw).  New character alert~ let's take us some risks lol.
          I realized I haven't posted a chapter this month, so here it is! Chp 15 also coming soon.


For anyone whose kept up with Heart of Straw, I’ve added some pen drawings/concept art in chp 1, 3, and 5. Am I the best artist? Nooope—but inking is fun! Aiming to at least do an illustration per chp, esp once I figure out how to draw Ruby & Trey. 


@philouwrites thank you! And ye~ I’m learning my way around it. I can draaaw, but it’s hard for me to draw a character consistently. But I got this I got this! 


Heeeeey! I just had a peek, really like it. They add another layer to your work. Looking forward to Ruby and my man Trey, so you better keep it up.


          Anyone accomplish any cool lately? Just checking the temperature since I’m particularly pleased with revisions + general life atm. Share the personal glory large or small :)


@ACSutliff that’s so dope! Congrats :) 
            You’ve worked hard hahaha


@Olvaaarrdd Hey! I love this question, as I just so happened to finalize my Kindle book today. My e-book The Code Keeper is coming out tomorrow! Yeah! Paperback will follow as soon as it is approved. I'm so relieved to be done with this, in all honesty, but even still, feeling pretty accomplished! I binge-read the book this week to get the print copy ready!


@Olvaaarrdd that’s awesome! I need some of that motivation lol