I kinda do actually believe when they say ,
"After a bad day it will be a best day"
I mean it was actually happening , missing someone u used to hear ,text,see them is a routine isnt it in life , that was my routine , we talked had fun sometimes we were jealousy sometimes angry sometimes happy or sad , but we were together nomatter what happened then suddenly stopped talking w each other hearing each others voice , i mean no matter how much i say its hurt & hurtfull it still wont describe the feeling u have to feel it inside ur heart & cheast , you'll cry like i did , will be on ur worst day , BUT , it suddenly happened talking again you know how different it is ALOT
Feeling the deja vú of being shyyyyy & blushhing
Awhhh dear God
I wish i could describe how happy i was hearing thouse words from THAT person , i wish i could
But im glad without me saying it uk how i do
There are bad days and good days
Be careful in both