Everyone, hope you all will be fine . I am back after a long time . Some stuff happened Because I lost myself for some time. But I am back .I will be writing a new book . This book will be very hard and strong ,it will not be your typical mafia ,ceo book it is something more important it will be on mental health .Where a girl will lose her self to the online social media world and ... Many things will happen . But I will not disclose now the reason of writing the book is their is a major fake world going on social media which had controlled all the youth almost . making fake characters and pretending to be them ,spending more time there then with family and real world had affected many mental health they have attempted suicides and even gone in severe depression and truma . After a good 2 months observation I have my data and my story . i hope this book will help them and bring them back to life .
I would need your support and love for this book it is very important for all the youngsters. Please do support it .
Your lovely author