

a token of kindness (22nd July 2021) 
          have you witnessed with a clear vision thunderstorms and lightening? 
          indeed, it is a natural occurrence but as usual there appears to my eye some hidden wisdom within it. 
          because nothing takes place without a reason, it is then highly possible that these thunderstorms attempt to teach us something of structure. 
          the sky is usually the epitome of ataraxy and quietude. it is seen to exhibit immense control and command over a variety of natural cycles. moreover, it also is as patient as job over so many issues that are thrown upon it. 
          but to every thing there is a limit. 
          so perhaps the thunderstorms are nothing but a way via which the sky unleashes the pain and hurt that it had left unattended for far too long. 
          in a similar manner, never let anyone take undue advantage of you and your strengths. your consideration might seal the "no" within your mouth, but the amount of blood they would feed on by the time their real intentions come to light would be lost. too many hearts have been unnecessarily hurt just for the fact that its owner practised the art of saying "yes" to all offers made and "no" to its own needs. 
          in a world that has already died, do not expect the alive to be valued.
          and while kindness spreads sparks of happiness, overkindess or "toxic kindness" ignites its owner on fire.