
If I die it will be because of gut wrenching, stomach hurting nostalgia. I don’t know why I keep letting myself look at childhood photos and mourn what should’ve been… but I do, and it makes me feel SICK. Worst feeling.


If I die it will be because of gut wrenching, stomach hurting nostalgia. I don’t know why I keep letting myself look at childhood photos and mourn what should’ve been… but I do, and it makes me feel SICK. Worst feeling.


Bro does anyone else feel like on the outside of the whole fanfic community or is that just me?? Like… no matter what I write or edit I sorta just don’t add into the ‘community’ like others which is scary and sucks


@naconswp me too, all the time. I feel like no matter what i try, I'm still on the outside


@motussn its driving me nuts i really don’t know how to fix it 


@naconswp no bcs I feel like that ALL the time and I keep wondering do I need more views or followers or what is it 