Thank you for telling me! Unfortunately, I’ve already had issues with that author and before this story, they had almost completely copied familiarity and had only changed a couple things. It was very blatant plagiarism the first time.
I had thought it was resolved, as I’d commented on the story and they deleted their other book and apologized. In all honesty, I skimmed their book and from the first time, they’ve taken less of my book but it still doesn’t sit right with me that exact lines have been copied over still.
Unfortunately, I’m not sure there’s much I can do about it at this point. I’ve commented once when I was copied the first time and it was resolved then but because they’ve changed their book more this time around, I don’t think I have much standing to do anything. I fear a comment on their book would have me blocked which would make me unable to see their works and I don’t have any right to make a copyright claim because my book contains George Martin’s work and characters. I don’t own anything from House of the Dragon and trying to copyright claim her book may lead to my book being looked at and taken down too.
It’s unfortunate private messages were removed because that would be the easiest option. But for right now, I’m not entirely sure what I can do especially since the author has already deleted comments calling her out. Thank you for informing me, though! It’s at least nice to have it brought to my attention even if I can’t do much about it.