
this message may be offensive
Hi everybody, 
          	I'm humbly grateful for your spirit, your energy, your love, your kindness, your everything. This last year, boy. So I almost killed someone. Then managed NOT to kill him. It took everything the Lord blessed me with but I made it out alive. Moral of Story: Always Trust Your Gut!! It took a while to get everything back to normal and my sister asked me about my Wattpad account because she just joined. I had totally forgot about it and couldn't remember the password. (Thank you Google) I get into my account and y'all... I was having a shitty ass morning and I read your comments. I read that my story was ranked #30. I was blown away by EVERYTHING!! If I could hug all of you I would. I'd squeeze you and kiss your cheek.


@nafaeria24 wow you're still here at wattpad it's so coooool


I hope you guys are ready to learn a bit more about me. (Caution: I have 7 different personalities...and they are special. But they help me write so it's cool.)  My son will be starting school this year guys, he wants to wear his BTS bookbag to school.  I'm so excited for him and I've made a vow to become the long lost member of BTS, I know I'm not Korean, not a guy or musically inclined, that's beside the point., the point is I have a dream damn it! You will not stifle my dreams!!  Anyhoo, I'll be back to give you guys updates on the new website and stories. I PURPLE U GUYS!!!!!


Oh boi…these books were one hell of a ride…loved every letter of it…if your hanky panky bits were “NICE “ I can’t imagine the Naugty ones…sooo how we can get hold of them…soo thank you dear author for shearing your God given talent with us…


this message may be offensive
Hi everybody, 
          I'm humbly grateful for your spirit, your energy, your love, your kindness, your everything. This last year, boy. So I almost killed someone. Then managed NOT to kill him. It took everything the Lord blessed me with but I made it out alive. Moral of Story: Always Trust Your Gut!! It took a while to get everything back to normal and my sister asked me about my Wattpad account because she just joined. I had totally forgot about it and couldn't remember the password. (Thank you Google) I get into my account and y'all... I was having a shitty ass morning and I read your comments. I read that my story was ranked #30. I was blown away by EVERYTHING!! If I could hug all of you I would. I'd squeeze you and kiss your cheek.


@nafaeria24 wow you're still here at wattpad it's so coooool


I hope you guys are ready to learn a bit more about me. (Caution: I have 7 different personalities...and they are special. But they help me write so it's cool.)  My son will be starting school this year guys, he wants to wear his BTS bookbag to school.  I'm so excited for him and I've made a vow to become the long lost member of BTS, I know I'm not Korean, not a guy or musically inclined, that's beside the point., the point is I have a dream damn it! You will not stifle my dreams!!  Anyhoo, I'll be back to give you guys updates on the new website and stories. I PURPLE U GUYS!!!!!


Greetings from the Space Ship...
          I have to be honest I haven't been writing like I should. My son has grown so much and my life revolves around him right now. I was sitting here having just finished my daily cleaning and started checking my emails. There I saw them waiting to be opened. Comments from readers who stumbled across this little story and decided to give it a chance. (THANK YOU!) Your comments have inspired me. I don't want to give up writing. I love creating drama. I love creating characters the readers want to have in real life. 
          That is the greatest compliment to read. Each character is essentially a piece of me. Thank you for loving me, my stories and my crazy. I hope and pray EVERYONE STAYS SAFE!! MASKS ON. NO EXCUSE.  Thank you for this. I really really appreciate and NEEDED THIS. I hope you like my next works as much if not more than you like these.  
          Be blessed my people, catch you on the flip side... assuming we all survive 2020. She's been kind of difficult to read, like some real serious Bi-Polar episodes. Hell we may wake up tomorrow and half the population has been dusted from the earth... I'm just saying. 
          P.S.: I know I have like a butt tons of messages and emails from you guys... I'm gonna get right on top of that Rose... :-) (Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead reference. If you haven't seen it, it's a good watch. Google it.)


@nafaeria24 Just finished The Only Exception and was wondering... sooooo how do I get the naughty bits of The Unexpected Love?  


Hi. I'm sorry but I have a question. I read unexpected love and at the end Sean, Dover, and mcclane has 3 kids. How are they the natural fathers (if they are, is what I got from reading that) of their individual children? I was confused on that part. I mean I know the 3 of them are together and the children are their children but Sean said his mini me and then said mcclanes son so if you could explain I would appreciate it. Thanks