


@-Baka_Neko- hello, dear! Thank you so much for reaching out!  I'm so sorry to hear that the same thing have happened to you as well. :(  (i hope it's been resolved on your side! <3) 
          	  apparently, I cant view  the person anymore. Perhaps they had me muted, or the account doesn't exist anymore. 
          	  there's no need to follow me here haha cause I won't be posting in wattpad either. the platform's confusing for me somehow. However, I did read your work 'my fair guardian' and it's lovely! Anyway, have a wonderful day ahead of you! 	(♡°▽°♡)


Hi! I see you were in the same boat I was in terms of plagiarism, funny enough I had added your story to my TBR just yesterday before this whole situation which was why the title sounded familiar to me initially. I look forward to your beautifully written fanfic!! 




@-Baka_Neko- hello, dear! Thank you so much for reaching out!  I'm so sorry to hear that the same thing have happened to you as well. :(  (i hope it's been resolved on your side! <3) 
            apparently, I cant view  the person anymore. Perhaps they had me muted, or the account doesn't exist anymore. 
            there's no need to follow me here haha cause I won't be posting in wattpad either. the platform's confusing for me somehow. However, I did read your work 'my fair guardian' and it's lovely! Anyway, have a wonderful day ahead of you! 	(♡°▽°♡)


Hi! I see you were in the same boat I was in terms of plagiarism, funny enough I had added your story to my TBR just yesterday before this whole situation which was why the title sounded familiar to me initially. I look forward to your beautifully written fanfic!! 