Hello everyone! It has come to my attention that a good amount of people are concerned about one of the things I have wrote in my Nagito x Reader Him. I want everyone to know that I will be fixing this right now! I stated in my writing that Asahina is light skinned when in reality this is not true. In my head I think she should be represented as a black character and not just as someone who is tan.
Hello everyone! It has come to my attention that a good amount of people are concerned about one of the things I have wrote in my Nagito x Reader Him. I want everyone to know that I will be fixing this right now! I stated in my writing that Asahina is light skinned when in reality this is not true. In my head I think she should be represented as a black character and not just as someone who is tan.
HELLO EVERYONE! You probably are hoping for an update to HIM right? Well I am WORKING ON IT!! But just to let you knowwwwww I just dropped another Nagito X reader titled “Hurt” I know very original! I hope you guys enjoy my new work as much as you enjoy my previous amazing story. :-)
HELLO EVERYONE! I have updated chapter 4 of Nagito X reader HIM to include a trigger warning! I do apologize to anyone that was upset by the material included in that chapter. I am working on the next chapter as we speak :)