
What happened to the Livesteam Mishap update? Not angry or upset, just curious. Hope all is well


@bellishipper4567 Your kindness always make me warm and fuzzy!! Thank you for understanding. I hope all is well with you too! :D


@nahitscool no problem girly! Life comes first! Can't wait for the update and hope all is good for you!


@bellishipper4567 Ah sorry for the delay! Summer job makes me so tired and sapped all the time, but worry not for it is coming! Today, actually! :D
            Stay tuned within the next hour...


Hey science I was talking about the time I gave your book a chance bc if the cover I think you should have @smoshcommunity’s Book Cover Shop make you a Cover for Rags and Riches !! They have the book where they make covers for smosh fan fictions. 


...or not! I tried checking out their page and it doesn't seem to exist anymore


@LoveShayney Whoa seriously? Maybe I should check that out then when I got the time! Thanks for the tip :D


Hi, it's me again. You said you were gonna update............


@agamabrham Oh also, I took a writer's course, so hopefully my writing would be even better than before :D


@agamabrham Wowie you are super dedicated! Haha never realized I had such dedicated readers. Sorry for the inactivity: I'm taking summer school (because I hate myself) and there is just so much to do!! However, I have been thinking of making a quick fluff fic that won't require a lot of thinking. 
            I haven't been updating mostly because I still can't figure out a way around the dilemma I've created for myself in the most recent draft of the story. So, to tide over the waiting time, the fluff fic I've been thinking of would just be like a simple truth or dare or whatever. It'll be super cliche, but it'll be something at least haha. This mostly got inspired by the many "spin the bottle" videos Smosh has been coming out, and I saw a lot of comments just going "tHEY SHOULD KISS" soooooo I'm probably going to make a normal spin the bottle fic where they have to kiss..? We'll see. But that'll be super easy and quick to make, and won't require me busting my own balls from thinking too hard cuz I already have to save a lot of that brainpower for school haha. I'll try to create that story maybe this weekend. 
            Sorry again for the wait, but thank you for constantly reminding me! And thank you for being so passionate about my stories. You have no idea how grateful and appreciative I am about it :)


Hi, it's me again. I just really miss your shourtney stories. Can you please contenue them?


@ nahitscool  i got it, thanks!


@agamabrham Hello again!
            Worry not, I will continue them. Sorry for the latest chapter delay. I was looking over my finished draft, but I really didn't like how it turned the story around, and it took a lil longer than expected to fix. Hopefully it should be up soon.
            But, to confirm, I am not dropping any of my stories! School just got the best of me. :)
            Hope to see you soon! Maybe you can comment so I can see that you got it :D


Hi, can you continue your shourtney stories please?


@agamabrham Hey there! Thanks for messaging me.
            Don't worry! I'm not dropping them any time soon, haha. The reason I haven't been posting recently (or more like the past couple months) is due to my school work. It's almost the end of the school year, and there are a lot of final projects and exams to study for. 
            Here's the good news though: the next chapter of Rags and Riches already has a draft written. I just want to tweak it a bit before posting. That means the chapter would hopefully be going up in the next week or so! Other stories that I am currently working on is unforgotten as well. 
            Thank you for messaging me though! It honestly warms my heart that you like my stories so much haha.
            See you in the next chapter ~