Hey guys! How's life been? Some of you guys have probably noticed that I've been gone lately, and yeah, I have been. I'd been trying to quit Wattpad for a while now, and I finally succeeded. 2 weeks. 2 WEEKS. THAT'S A BIG ACCOMPLISHMENT BRUH. So yeah, some of you noticed because I noticed I lost more than 10 followers
-_-. But gained a bit too! So yeah, I'm here to tell you, I will not be on here as much anymore. This app has taken hours of time I could've used spending time with fam, doing hw, doing chores, etc. It's kinda been like an addiction you could say. *silently sniffs cocai- JK* *cough* I will be on here sometimes though! Most of y'all don't give a flippin Han, so yeah, peace out bros. I'll miss all of you who are me Wattpad amigos. T_T. BYEEE.