Hey guys! So recently I've been trying my hand at writing a new book that I really think you will all like. It's got mystery, fantasy, drama, hell even a little romance. Please read it and vote! I know I don't have the same social standing as a lot of writers on this site but I'm hoping you can all help me change that. We write on Wattpad and put our stories out there so you all can read them, support them, make our dreams come true of one day putting it out there in the real world. So please don't let Wattpad cast my stories to the shadows where no one but two people will see them (not that I don't love those two people, they're basically my life support god bless ya'll).
Please read my stories, vote on them, give them a shot. I know I'm just at the beginning of Song of the Seirenes but your support would mean the world to me.
Thank you <3