
@bekijonas Thank you so much for reading my story! I really appreciate it. I'll try to update sometime soon, when school isn't bothering me so much. (= 


          Hullos. so yeah I've finally updated Still and Finesse... sorry they're kinda short.
          Focusing on 30 days in nov this month (= soz yeah. I will try to post up the first 5 days today, and hopefully that'll work out some how LOL. I just kinda realized 50, 000 words is a helluva bunch
          Uhm and for Die, Pirate, I will have that updated probably like Tuesday of this week. And I'll make it a slightly longer chapter, don't worry. Compensation. (=
          Till then, Cheers! 


@nairxarika Tell me about school lol! This year has just been multiple of endless examinations for me. I was done and was so happy that I wanted to celebrate...turns out I had to face another series of exams in another two weeks time..(I was like "Oh god, LOOK...the challenges of my life!) -____-
          This will definitely be my last examination, then I want to focus on my book welcome to my hectic life.
          Anyways, forget me. I was just curious to how you were doing. I rarely see you on Wattpad and almost thought that you shut down completely on it which makes me sad :( But these past few days I saw you've been updating which is good! :)
          You don't have to read my other books, it's kind of embarrassing. I actually don't think I'm going to update on those. I want to concentrate more on WTMHL book. I too am excited to red you book, 'Finesse' . I think amongst all your work, I liked that book the most :)
          See you on chat if we come across :)


Ello! So I'm kinda back> skool's been killin me here, but hey, I'm tryin 
          XD So yeah. Finesse and Die Pirate be updated every week or so, I just like overpowered my writer's block so it's all good. XD 
          Still:Prologue is going well too- it's more of a short chapter/ fast read ones. Expecting about 90 chapters total- only like 2% done. LOL
          Zombie Powder- eehh I've decided to not take it down, but will update every once in a while.  
          I've got a new story geared up for Nanowritmo so working on that as well~ (: 
          Nonetheless, have happy days, and enjoy reading! (=