Hello everyone.
I got stuck on my stories and I intended to postpone eveything.
I'll rewrite OCW (Other Creation World) in english cz..there's a lot of undescribable things (I just realized it TT) and I want to fix it lol I'm sorry
I'm a bit perfectionist and somehow I want to make it perfect. Ofc, yea. Soo sorry for everything and thankyou!
Halo semuanya.
Aku lg mentok bikin cerita dan kyknya bakal nunda buat update" lg. Niatnya si mau bikin ulang si OCW ke bhs inggris soalnya bnyk bgt hal yg janggal dan aku baru nyadarin stlh baca ulang maaf yaa aku rada perfeksionis jd kalo ga sempurna rasanya ko gimana gitu hehe
Mohon maaf dan terimakasih