
Answering later today, within a few hours.


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I'm literally like "oh let me try to be online more" but all that's happening is I'm remembering why I never came online in the first fucking place. IT'S BORING. No one is everonline. I want rps, I want to have a reason for being online but nope,  no one is ever online or want to rp. I'm fed up. My favorite rp barely answers anymore too


Alright, I'll be completely honest, I haven't been online really. I've only been checking up a couple times a day to see if my favorite rp has responded before just logging off. Wattpad is starting to bore me because no one is ever online. I'm gonna try to fix up the account a bit and take characters I don't like and add people I do. Maybe I'll be online more but I don't know.