I like this one guy but then my bestfriend starts to like home 6 months later right when he starts to take an interest in me. He starts to notice her too. My best friend told me I need to back off a little and I got shocked. I did back off tho because my bestfriend and him make a cuter couple. It hurts so much tho knowing that she s gonna break his heart
Don't change got leaked and I listened to it and I can't stop crying. I could relate to the song so much I can't express it. I felt it. I felt like they were talking to me and I just love it. If you get a chance go listen to it
depression sucks. my teacher yells at all of us for claiming we have depression with out being tested but most of us dont want to get tested because we don't wont to disappoint our parents and become a burden. but teachers don't freaking care. I cant wait till I switch schools