I would like to make a suggestion, you can ignore it, I dont mind. I was reading your story for a bit, I noticed there were lots of spelling/grammar errors. This might scare away possible readers, so I want to help. There are reasons I'm sure, I myself struggle a lot. I would like to provide you a resource you can use. You can copy/paste it into a spelling/grammar checker. You can ask someone. Or maybe you dont what to, that's fine too. You are entitled to your own opinions, I won't change that. Some online spelling/grammar checkers can be intimidating on first use, that's ok! My first time using one was hard too. If you find one thing just isnt right for you, you can find another. There is plenty of free checkers out there. I myself was introduced to these things in school. You however might not have had that. That's ok. I'm telling you this because I want to help. If you find none of what I'm telling you fits you, the internet is a great source to find new ways of fixing the grammar and spelling. I hope you find my comment helpful. I hope you have a wonderful day!