this message may be offensive
Hello assface,
I honestly don’t understand how sad a persons life has to be for them to actually create an account just to hate on people better than them.
If only you gave me a reason for this account and for the meaning of you even being here?
Because you’re so insignificant to the author and you telling her to kill herself is such a pity. How do you not have enough fucking common sense or brain cells to know that what you’re doing is W R O N G!?
That’s cyber-bullying you dumbfuck! I just can’t imagine how sad, lonely and stupid your miserable life has to be that you don’t have anything better to do besides hating on people who have and will get more success, popularity and love than you.
There’s a fucking line and you crossed them all. So can you politely and kindly fuck off and get a life instead of getting your ass jealous over other peoples success, putting your nose and trying to squish into things that don’t involve you?
I hope one day you realize what a horrible person you are and forever pity yourself. Cause I honestly want to cry for your sad, lonely, meaningless life.
Thank you, have a nice day.
~ Nina ❤️